Arman Bigazin
Haller Lomax
Arman Bigazin was born on 08 May 1984, Kazakhstan
Arman specializes in Kazakhstan's general corporate and commercial law with a focus on construction, PPP, joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions. For over 13 years, Arman Bigazin has been representing major local and international companies, mainly in the mining, energy and infrastructure sectors. In addition to practicing commercial law, Arman is active in an advisory role to the government in developing Kazakhstan legislation. Arman was engaged in drafting the Business Code, Public-Private Partnership Law and new subsoil use legislation (Subsoil Use Code).
2010, LL.M, KING'S COLLEGE LONDON (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON), School of Law (London, UK). Specialism: International Commercial Law
2005, LL.B, KAZAKH NATIONAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER AL FARABI, (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Specialism: International Law
Impact of the new Environmental Code of Kazakhstan on the mining and geological industry.
A brief overview of the main novelties of the new Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their impact on the mining and geological industry.