Berikbol Khamzin

Chief Geologist

Berikbol Khamzin was born in 1960 in the village of Karagaili, Karaganda region. In 1982 he graduated from the Lenin Kazakhstan Polytechnic University, mining engineer-geologist, in 2005 the Law Academy "Femida", lawyer. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan; member of the Academy of Mineral Resources.

Since 1982 he worked as a geologist of a field exploration team, head of a prospecting and survey team, head of a prospecting and survey team, chief geologist, head of an expedition at the Karaganda geological exploration department. Since 1994 he is the president of Karagaily. In 1998 he was deputy head of the Central Kazakhstan Territorial Department of Geology and Subsoil Use for the analysis and assessment of the region's mineral and raw material potential. Since 1999, the head of the Central Kazakhstan Interregional Territorial Department of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Tsentrkaznedra". Since 2011, Director of the Asset Management and Corporate Development Department of Tau-Ken Samruk. Since November 2011, he has been the chief geologist of Kazgeology.

Discoverer of deposits of the Republic of Kazakhstan, author of monographs, also more than 80 scientific articles. Honorary Prospector of Subsoil of the Republic of Kazakhstan, awarded with the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gratitude, awarded with the badge "Honorary Geologist", "For loyalty to the profession", the commemorative medal "100th Anniversary of Kazakhstan Oil".

14.09.2021 11:15 - SESSION 2 | Online

Field of activity of Kazgeology

The report highlights a brief history of the creation and development of Kazgeology, the results of the work performed and the production capabilities of the organization.