Resource World Magazine reports on the business of mining, oil & gas, green technologies and the events that affect these sectors. The magazine provides a platform to profile companies on a non-advertorial basis and has no paid editorial. Resource World provides readers with an objective perspective, relevant, timely information, is committed to its policies of journalistic integrity and remains a reliable source for information about the resource sector.

•    Global Reach – In our seventeen years of publishing Resource World Magazine, subscribers from 46 different countries have discovered and subscribed to Resource World.

•    Availability -Resource World exists through the support of our advertisers and readers. We have an open door policy which allows companies to present newsworthy stories and readers to use us as an information resource.

•    Our Commitment – With the support of our readers and advertisers, we continue to report on the activities within the resource community. We will continue to find investment opportunities and good companies worth reporting on. We will continue to analyze thousands of documents and press releases every month in an effort to bring you the highest in editorial quality. It is our commitment to deliver a source for resource based editorial with integrity.

Ellsworth Dickson co-founded Resource World Magazine in 2002. A graduate of the Haileybury School of Mines, early in his career he worked in the geology departments of a silver-cobalt and copper mine as well as in structural geology for an engineering company. Mr. Dickson became a mining journalist in 1983 and was editor of World Investment News in the late 1980s and the George Cross Newsletter in the 1990s.

For further information regarding editorial, please contact Ellsworth Dickson:

Our Values
If you’re new to Resource World Magazine, you’ll be pleased to know that there is no paid editorial contained in the publication. Each story is chosen based on the merit of the company, management and their projects. When we write a story on a company, they are not obligated to buy advertising and vice-verse, when companies purchase advertising space, we are not obligated to write a story. On occasion you will see a company that has both a story and an advertisement within the same issue, this is purely because the company is supporting our efforts as an independent publisher and understand without the support of advertisers, we would not be in business.
Global Reach

In our fourteen years of publishing Resource World Magazine, subscribers from 47 different countries have discovered and subscribed to Resource World.


Resource World exists through the support of our advertisers and readers. We have an open door policy which allows companies to present newsworthy stories and readers to use us as an information resource.

Our Commitment
With the support of our readers and advertisers, we will continue to report on the activities within the resource community. We will continue to find investment opportunities and good companies worth reporting on. We will continue to pore over thousands of documents and press releases every month in an effort to bring you the highest in editorial quality. It is our commitment to deliver a source for resource based editorial with integrity.